Titel: Contemporary Dance – Playing with speed, dynamics and musicality
Datum: 19.11.2024
Zeit: 19:30-21:00 Uhr
Ort: Musisches Forum, Campus der DSHS Köln
Dozentinnen: Ayberk Esen
The training starts with a dynamic warm-up block that travels through the room which includes variations of complex & less complex exercises, steps and floor work. The following part includes specific improvisational material as individuals, with a partner and as a group. It all rounds up in phrases that plays with speed, musicality, level and dynamic…
Preis pro Einheit: 10€
Ermäßigt: 5€ für Studierende, Schüler:innen, Azubis, Menschen mit Behinderung
Kostenlos: für Spielraum e.V. Vereinsmitglieder